ALAVTN Learning Objectives or Domains for Examination

Clinical Research Nursing exams will cover the following categories: The Focused practice categories will also include these categories but will be heavier on anesthesia, analgesia for the Research Anesthesia exam, and heavier on the surgical nursing in addition to surgical technique for the Research Surgeon exam.

Husbandry Requirements
General Nursing 
Surgical Nursing 
Diagnostic Imaging 
Leadership Roles 

Exam total points: 200

Practical questions may include slides, essay questions or demonstrations.

Clinical Research Nursing in one of the following categories:

Traditional Lab Animal Species: (Mammals) To include but not limited to mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchilla, ferrets, rabbits, primates, hedgehogs, naked mole rats, possums, felines, canines, squirrels, prairie dogs, naked mole rats, goats, pigs, sheep, bovine, horses, llama, mule, donkeys, alpaca and deer.
Non-traditional Lab Animal Species: (Non-mammals) Avian species such as, but not limited to chickens, turkey, quail, pheasants, pigeons, ravens, crows, doves, owls, finches.
Reptile/ Amphibian species such as, but not limited to iguanas, corn snakes, bull frogs, axolotls, tiger salamanders.
Fish species such as, but not limited to dog fish, zebra fish, carp, trout, salmon Crustacean species such as, but not limited to ghost shrimp and crayfish

Focused practice categories in one of the following:
Research Anesthesia: Advanced level anesthesia provided in the research setting. The exam will focus on mammalian species of small and large animals but may include some non- mammalian questions. This is only for applicants that spend 70% of their time providing advanced level anesthesia for intense cases. Applicants that provide basic anesthesia monitoring and induction techniques for minimally invasive cases will not qualify or have a very difficult time completing the skills list.
Research Surgeon: This candidate will have spent 70% of their time performing surgery as a primary surgeon. The exam will only cover mammalian anatomy, physiology, and techniques. Applicants that do not enter a body cavity will have a difficult time completing the skills list.



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