Employment/Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in advertising individual open positions with the ALAVTN?  

Your advertisement will be added to our listing for one month along with several listings in multiple social media groups that currently have over 1200 members.  These positions should be for lab animal veterinary technicians or nurses. We offer a one month posting for $20.00 per job listing.  Once we have your request with the title of the position and a link for the application and payment, you will get a confirmation email asking you to review the ad. If you are interested, please email us at alavtn@gmail.com.

Interested in a sponsorship affiliation with the Academy?

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
Platinum - $5000 (a 4-year contract for web and social media product promotion or job ads, permanent logo on website and printed materials)
Gold - $2500 (a 2-year contract for web and social media product promotion or job ads, permanent logo on website and printed materials)
Silver - $1000 (a 1-year contract for web and social media product promotion or job ads, logo on website and printed materials for 2 years)
Bronze - $500 (a 6-month contract for web and social media product promotion or job ads, logo on website and printed materials for 2 years)
Service Sponsor -$300 (a 3-month contract for web and social media job postings or job ads, logo on website and printed materials for up to 1 year.)

If you have any questions or interest, please email us at alavtn@gmail.com.

Place Job Ad ($20)

Laboratory Animal Veterinary Technicians Jobs

1/17/24 - Purdue University, Senior Research Technician - Translational Pharmacology

Contact Us

PO Box 5025, San Jose, CA 95150


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