Policy and Procedure #3: Use of ALAVTN VTS/VNS Membership Credential

Appropriate membership credential representation is critical for maintaining the integrity of the Academy’s membership credential.

Modifications undermine the value of our membership credential and the efforts we as an academy have taken to protect Academy members.

When using the primary “VTS” or “VNS” membership credential please use one of the following formats. 

All active members will use one of these formats where applicable.

American and Canadian Members (or other countries that use “technician”)


European and Australian Members (or other countries that use “nurse”)


*Where “nurse” is a legally recognized title please use “VNS”. This does not include USA credentialed veterinary technicians.

If you would like to use a sub-specialty identifier, please use the following per the exam you took.

*Abbreviations of words that are acceptable if you would prefer (Research = Res., Anesthetist/a= Anes., Surgeon= Surg. or Sx, Traditional= T, Non-Traditional= NT, Research Clinical Nursing= RCN)


VTS- LAM (Research Clinical Nursing) or VTS (LAM-RCN, Traditional)
VTS (LAM- Traditional)
VTS- LAM (Research Clinical Nursing) or VTS (LAM-RCN, Non-Traditional)
VTS (LAM- Non-Traditional)
VTS- LAM (Research Anesthetist), VTS- LAM (Research Anesthesia)
VTS- LAM (Research Surgeon) or VTS (LAM-Research Surgeon)

Failure to use the credential properly will result in the following steps.

1) Letter or email reminding member of appropriate credential use.
2) Letter or email of warning.
3) Second letter of warning.
4) Suspension of membership and meeting with the Board of Directors to explain continued misuse.
5) Loss of credential use and termination of membership.
6) Former members that continue to use the credential will be sent a cease-and-desist letter from the Academy attorney.
7) Further trademark infringement will result in a lawsuit.

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